Mommy Makeover Turkey

A Mommy Makeover in Turkey is a combination of cosmetic procedures designed to help women achieve their desired appearance. This comprehensive approach typically includes procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast lift or augmentation, and liposuction to address changes in the body after pregnancy and childbirth, restoring a more youthful and contoured look.

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    What is Mommy Makeover Surgery?

    A Mommy Makeover, also known as plastic surgery post-pregnancy, is a combination of various surgeries, including liposuction, tummy tuck, and breast surgeries, performed under one anesthesia. The surgeon tailors the procedures to meet the patient's specific needs.

    A Mommy Makeover specifically targets areas of the body affected by the significant changes that occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These changes can include weight gain, an expanded waistline, sagging in the abdominal and breast areas, and alterations in the vaginal region.

    Depending on the patient's needs and expectations, a Mommy Makeover can enhance breast firmness and restore volume through breast surgeries. Liposuction is used to address weight gain in the abdomen, hips, and flanks that occurred during pregnancy or motherhood. Following liposuction, a tummy tuck is performed to correct excess skin laxity and fat in the abdomen and tighten the abdominal wall muscles.

    A Mommy Makeover is an exceptional procedure for women looking to restore their post-baby bodies to their pre-pregnancy shapes, offering a comprehensive solution to achieve a youthful and contoured appearance.

    Proven Results Mommy Makeover in Turkey Before and After

    Mommies always deserve the best! Many women from all around the world have chosen Lispo Health to achieve the best version of their bodies with a Mommy Makeover in Turkey. With upright and voluminous breasts and flat abdominals with the best contour, women have transformed both physically and emotionally. Swipe to see the significant changes of these amazing women!

    Mommy Makeover in Turkey Reviews

    Cu siguranță! A auzi de la pacienții lui Lispo despre experiențele lor de ridicare a sânilor poate oferi informații valoroase asupra întregului proces, de la pregătire până la îngrijirea postoperatorie. 
    Aceste mărturii îi pot ajuta pe alții să înțeleagă la ce să se aștepte și să ia decizii informate.

    • Mărirea sânilor

       „Alegând să-mi fac mărirea sânilor în Turcia a fost una dintre cele mai bune decizii pe care le-am luat vreodată. Medicii au fost incredibil de profesioniști, iar facilitățile au fost de top. Întreaga experiență a fost fără probleme și rezultatele sunt exact ceea ce am sperat. Foarte recomandat!"
      Regatul Unit
    • Mărirea sânilor

       „Am fost nervos să călătoresc în străinătate pentru o operație, dar echipa medicală din Turcia m-a făcut să mă simt complet în largul meu. Au fost atenți și detaliați în explicarea procedurii. Recuperarea mea a fost rapidă și îngrijirea ulterioară a fost excelentă. Sunt încântat de noul meu look!”
    • Mărirea sânilor

      „Am ales Turcia pentru mărirea sânilor, după ce am cercetat amplu. Combinația de chirurgi cu experiență și infrastructură medicală avansată la prețuri atât de competitive este imbatabilă. Sunt extrem de mulțumit de rezultat și de îngrijirea profesională pe care am primit-o.”

    Mommy Makeover Turkey Cost vs. Mommy Makeover Cost UK&US

    Besides providing successful Mommy Makeover results, Turkey offers affordable Mommy Makeover prices. Compared to the UK, US, and other countries, patients can save almost 70% on the cost by undergoing the procedure in Turkey. Furthermore, Lispo Health offers patients all-inclusive packages, including hotel accommodations, VIP transfers, and aftercare follow-up. The cost of a Mommy Makeover in Turkey starts at 5,200€-11,400€, while prices can go up to 22,000€ in the UK and 27,000€ in the US.

    Mommy Makeover Turkey Cost
    5.200€ – 11.400€
    Regatul Unit
    12.000€ – 22.000€
    Statele Unite
    15.000€ – 27.000€

    Mommy Makeover Surgery Recovery

    Because a mommy makeover procedure combines two or more surgeries, the recovery time can take longer and vary depending on the extent of the procedure.

    Initial Postoperative Period
    Following the surgery, patients typically stay two nights at the hospital under the care of nurses and doctors. During this initial postoperative period, it is common to experience swelling, bruising, pain, and discomfort. Patients are provided with necessary medications and compression garments to reduce swelling. If the procedure involves breast reduction or breast augmentation and uplift, a surgical bra is provided. Additionally, patients may have drainage tubes in place to remove excess fluid.

    First Week
    Resting is crucial during the first week. Patients should avoid any strenuous activities and limit movement to gentle walking. Activities like heavy lifting, bending over, and vigorous exercise should be avoided. Pain and discomfort will gradually start to subside, but patients should continue taking prescribed pain medications as directed. Care for the incisions includes cleaning, applying ointments, and changing dressings as instructed to prevent infection. Showering may be allowed after a few days, following specific instructions provided by the surgeon, ensuring gentleness around the incision sites.

    2-3 Weeks
    Patients should notice a gradual improvement in mobility during the 2-3 week period. They may be able to perform more daily activities independently, but it is essential to continue avoiding strenuous activities. The incisions will continue to heal, with initial redness and swelling beginning to subside, and the incision lines may start to fade.

    4-6 Weeks
    Many patients can return to work and light, non-strenuous activities during the 4-6 week period. Some light exercise may be permitted, but high-impact activities should still be avoided. Patients may begin to see initial improvements in their appearance as the healing process continues.

    6-12 Weeks and Beyond
    Swelling continues to decrease, and scars begin to fade between 6-12 weeks. Many restrictions on physical activities are lifted, but it is important to consult with a surgeon for specific guidelines. Patients will continue to see improvements in their body's appearance. By 3-6 months, most patients will have returned to their regular routines and activities, with scars continuing to fade and more final results becoming visible. By 6-12 months, patients can enjoy the full benefits of the mommy makeover, with scars maturing and the body settling into its final, enhanced shape.

    Best Candidates for Mommy Makeover

    Are you a good candidate for a mommy makeover? To be considered for this transformative procedure, patients should be in overall good health and at or near their ideal body weight. This surgery is ideal for those with saggy or low-toned breasts and loose or excess skin and fat in the abdominal area.

    Additionally, candidates should have no plans to have more children, as future pregnancies can affect the results of the surgery. If these criteria are met, individuals can undergo a mommy makeover to restore their pre-pregnancy body and enhance their physical appearance.

    What You Shouldn’t Expect From Mommy Makeover Surgery

    Mommy makeover surgery offers patients the benefits of improving the shape of their breasts and achieving a flatter, firmer belly through breast enhancement, reduction or lift, removal of excess skin and fat, and tightening of abdominal muscles, according to the patient's needs. It’s essential to be aware of the procedure’s limitations and not expect unrealistic results.

    Immediate Results: As with other procedures, the body requires time for healing after a mommy makeover. Therefore, those who undergo the surgery should be patient about the healing process. By following the doctor’s instructions and taking good care of themselves, patients can ensure a faster recovery and achieve optimal results.

    Weight Loss: Even though liposuction in a mommy makeover removes excess fat, it is not a weight loss procedure. Therefore, expecting significant weight loss after the operation is not reasonable. The primary goal is to contour and enhance the body's shape.

    Permanence: A mommy makeover provides long-lasting results, but the effects of aging and weight fluctuations can impact the body over time. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, is crucial for preserving the results and ensuring the longevity of the improvements achieved through the surgery.


    Scopul operațiunii
    To rejuvenate different parts of the body after pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    Durata Operațiunii
    3.5-7 hours.
    Anestezie generala
    Pacient internat
    Starea în spital și hotel
    2 nights at the hospital 6 nights at the hotel.
    Efecte secundare posibile
    Pain, discomfort, swelling, bruising, scarring, numbness, seroma, infection.
    Timp de recuperare
    7-15 days.

    Common Possible Reactions of Mommy Makeover

    Before undergoing any surgical procedure, it is recommended to be well-informed about the potential risks and complications that may arise.

    Possible Side Effects of a Mommy Makeover:

    Pain and Discomfort: It is common to experience pain and discomfort after the surgery, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications.

    Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are normal post-surgery and typically subside over time as the body heals.

    Infection: There is a risk of infection, as with any surgical procedure. Following the surgeon's post-operative care instructions carefully can help minimize this risk.

    Scarring: Scarring is an inevitable part of any surgical procedure, but the visibility of scars can be reduced with proper care and over time. Surgeons typically place incisions in less visible areas to minimize cosmetic concerns.

    Numbness: Some patients may experience numbness in the treated areas due to nerve damage, which is often temporary but can sometimes be permanent.

    Seroma: The accumulation of fluid under the skin, known as seroma, can occur after surgery. This may require drainage to ensure proper healing and to prevent complications.

    These potential side effects highlight the importance of following all pre- and post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery and the best possible outcome from your mommy makeover.

    Precautions Taken by Lispo Health:

    Lispo Health ensures that the necessary safety measures are in place to minimize the risk of complications by taking appropriate precautions.

    Pre-Surgery Preparation: Lispo Health assists patients in preparing for surgery by conducting necessary medical tests to assess their medical history and condition prior to the procedure. This thorough evaluation helps ensure that the patient is in the best possible health before undergoing surgery.

    Post-Surgery Care: After the surgery, prescribed medications are provided to patients, and Lispo Health’s nurses closely monitor their condition during their hotel stay. The nurses conduct daily check-ups, dressing changes, assist with costume changes, and motivate patients to walk as needed to promote healing and prevent complications.

    Follow-Up Care: Lispo Health provides follow-up care for up to twelve months after patients return to their home countries. This ongoing support ensures that any concerns are promptly addressed, and the recovery process is monitored to achieve the best possible outcomes.

    Îngrijire ulterioară pentru creșterea sânilor

    Îngrijirea ulterioară este o componentă critică a procesului de recuperare după mărirea sânilor în Turcia pentru a asigura o vindecare optimă și rezultate de lungă durată. Pacienții sunt sfătuiți cu insistență să respecte îndeaproape instrucțiunile chirurgului lor. Aspectele cheie ale îngrijirii ulterioare includ:

    Următoarele sunt câteva dintre cele mai frecvente complicații potențiale ale operației de mărire a sânilor:

    Pacienții sunt sfătuiți să nu își întindă sau să ridice brațele deasupra nivelului umerilor în prima săptămână după mărirea sânilor în Turcia.

    În ceea ce privește menținerea uscată a inciziilor, dușul trebuie evitat pentru o perioadă determinată de instrucțiunile specifice ale chirurgului. Este esențial să păstrați locurile de incizie uscate cel puțin în primele 48 de ore. În plus, pacienții ar trebui să se abțină de la a-și scufunda sânii în apă, cum ar fi în căzi sau piscine, timp de câteva săptămâni.

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